About AMBA

AMBA is a non-profit association whose mission is to create, enhance and preserve great trail experiences for mountain bikers in the greater Albuquerque area, and to create a bicycle friendly community through cycling awareness, safety, advocacy and promotion of bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation. AMBA seeks to preserve, protect, and promote mountain bike access and diverse riding opportunities on NM’s public and private lands through education, communication, and unified action.

AMBA is an IMBA (International Mountain Bike Association) Chapter. Tapping into the roots of the former IMBA Chapter, FOO (Friends of the Outdoors), we are committed to continue advocating mountain biking in the greater Albuquerque area.

AMBA builds community as well as trails. Momentum is building, and people just like you are volunteering their time. AMBA is not just about one agenda item. Our members have various personal reasons for coming together such as: giving back to the sport, trail building, organizing races, and organizing community rides, just to name a few.

Whatever your passion, AMBA has a place for you! We are a collaborative group who utilizes our individual passion for the sport in an effort to move forward with establishing a terrific mountain bike riding community in Albuquerque. We welcome your participation. Join AMBA today!

AMBA Officers

  • President: Hannah Russert
  • Secretary: Carley Parriott
  • Treasurer: Mitch Steinberg

AMBA Board Members

  • Susan Bryan
  • Zach Bryan
  • Dean Carrol
  • Luis Cuadros
  • Davi Kerley
  • Carlos Matutes
  • Jeremy Peterson
  • Jay Wulf